Modern architecture : and the critical present /

Frampton, Kenneth

Modern architecture : and the critical present / Kenneth Frampton - Londres : AD Architectural Design, 1982 - 114 p. : planos, plantas, dib., 28x22 cm.

Intoducción: Kenneth Frampton. p. 4 Essays by Kenneth Frampton. p. 6-19. The status of Man and the Status of his Objets. p. 20-27. Avant-Garde and Continuity. p. Place, production and Architecture. p. 60 The Isms of Contemporary Achitecture. Reviews of Modern Architecture: A Critical History Alan Colquhoun / Modern Architecture and the Liberal Conscience. p. 46-49 David Dunster / Maid in USA. p. 50 Kurt W. Forster / On Modern Architecture. p.51-52 Rafael Moneo / The Contradictions of Architecture as History. p. 53. Carlos Perez Gomez / The Potential of Architecture as Art. 54-55 Demetri Porphyrios / The thicket is no Sacred Grove. p.56 Manfredo Tafuri / Architecture and Poverty. p.57-58 Bruno Zevi / How Old the Modern Is. p. 59 PROJECTS: > Kenneth Frampton / The Resistance of Architecture: An Anthological Postscript. p. 84-85 > Perinton Housing / Gwathmey Siegel & Associates. p.86-91. > Henri E. Ciriani / Noisy II. p.92-99. > Josef P. Kleihues / Vinetaplatz Block 270. p. > Jorn Utzon / Bagsvaerd Church. p. 106-113 > Cesar Pelli / San Bernardino City Hall. p. 114.

Arquitectura Moderna Archigram Gallaratese Centro George Pompidou Piano, Renzo Rossi, Aldo Aymonino, Carlo Paris Hejduk, John Kahn, Louis I. Casa 10 Gwathmey, Siegel Botta, Mario Hertzberger, Herman Superstudio Dunster, David Colquhoun, Alan Moneo, Rafael Tafuri, Manfredo Ensayos Critica De La Arquitectura Plan De Turgot Rockefeller, Center Atelie 5 Ciriani, Henri Utzon, Jorn Pelli, Cesar Racionalismo Casa 6 Eisenman, Peter Krier, Leon Snozzi, Luis San Bernardino City Hall Conjuntos Habitacionales Berlin Forster, Kurt Perez Gomez, Carlos Casa San Vitale
